The ShelterBox program is an unbelievable program to give the opportunity to an individual or a group to be able to step up and give a huge amount of help to people in need.
For example, the Shelterbox provides sustained shelter for people dealing with disaster in the Philippines.
Shelterbox already has two response teams on the ground in the Philippines who are working with the help of Rotarians to provide emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan.
ShelterBox delivers, the tent boxes shown above, or specific Shelter Toolkits for areas where repairs to homes are needed.
Some 90 countries have received ShelterBoxes. And more than 130,000 ShelterBoxes have been deployed since the Rotary Club project since 2000.
For some more info, see:
Service Above Self
Mail to: PO Box 20035 RPO Brandon South
Brandon, MB R7A 6Y8